Into the third week of 2024 and hoping it’s something more. Don’t we all hope for that? Progress – growth – love – family – friends – lovers… what’s the alternative? and with that -we should surely be thankful for having what we have – even in seemingly dark times… food – a roof –  […]

This is one of my latest songs and I got myself a nice take on it last week during my gig/show at Emma Jaynes in Clifton Park New York – nice audience always helps 🙂 The thing about music or anything for that matter- is there are lots of moving parts and it takes some […]

I’m getting old – scratch that… I’m old. I’m not old in the sense of feeling washed up – I actually in many ways feel like I’m at my best – striking a balance between maturity/experience and playfulness -as with each passing year – the value of moments become more weighted. My gut told me […]

I’m not very religious. I don’t advertise it because it isn’t something that really needs to be advertised – (whether you are a believer in a personal entity or not). My mom was very religious – and one of the most amazing people I will ever know. In some sense, I believe that atheism, religion, […]

As I’ve been rehearsing some new songs and thinking about what I would like to play at my gigs this Memorial Weekend – what came to mind in response to the commercials/media-buzz with HAPPY Memorial Day – and grilling and partying… is the question: isn’t this supposed to be a solemn weekend of remembrance? I’m […]