Welcome to my H O M E!

This has taken me a long while to complete but hope you enjoy what I’ve created. My goal is to provide a living – breathing place where people/you can learn about me and my music. I think there is a stronger bond between a fan and artist/musician when a connection can be made on both a personal and musical level.

One of the main ingredients of this website is my Batch Project -in which I plan to build a comprehensive catalog of all my songs – in a live/studio format. The songs will be released in tasty batches of approximately 7-12 songs for all you listeners to ingest.

If you don’t have much disposable income – which I can completely understand. I always provide free downloads of some of my songs and you can of course always stream the songs for free until your hearts content – directly off this site. Head on over to the Listening Room where you can search the entire catalog of uploads. https://mauriziorussomanno.com/listeningroom

If you would like to leave a tip – click the button below and a BIG thank you in advance!

Please be safe out there and stay healthy!

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