Showing 3–3 of 16 results
Recent NewsFeed
4th Time a Charm? Doesn’t Matter – I’m Honored *2025 Thomas Edison Awards
I was nominated a 4th time for a Thomas Edison Music Award for Solo Performer of the Capital Region…
My Song ‘In the Ground’ #32 on WEXT’s local top 50 of 2024
I was surprised to hear from a friend that my song ‘In the Ground’ came in at #34 on WEX…
Blown Away
Please read – listen and watch all of this before listening to my song… it will make mor…
Pretty Tabitha
This is one of the shortest and sweetest songs I’ve written – but packed with chords/not…
Album Fundraiser for ‘Premonitions’ an Adjustment in Expectations
We did it! Well sort of lol
I thought $10,000 was a fair fundraising goal for my album but I neede…